“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”

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    Wednesday, June 26, 2013

    भगवद्गीता पूर्व देखि पश्चिम सम्म
    भगवद्गीता एक वैज्ञानिक ग्रन्थ । कृष्ण एक अद्भुत व्यक्तित्व । महाभारत को इतिहास को सूक्तिबद्ध स्वरुप भगवद्गीता । हरेक श्लोक मा मन्त्र, यस्तो मन्त्र, स्वाहा… पू… गर्दै मा लागू नहुने, व्यवहार मा नउतारी हुँदै नहुने । अर्जुनलाई पाठ सिकाउने क्रममा महान् विचारक कृष्ण का ती वाणी हरु को हामी पनि रसास्वादन गर्दैछौं । कस्ता दूरदर्शी व्यक्ति ती श्रीकृष्ण, त्यस दूरदर्शिता लाई सफल तुल्याउन छन्दोबद्ध रूप ले सिँगार्ने ऋषि व्यास पनि उत्तिकै दू्रदर्शी । आचारसंहिता, व्यवहार र आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान का लागि अकूत विज्ञान को भण्डार हो भगवद्गीता । यस ग्रन्थ ले मानिस लाई सही आचरण का साथ जिउन सँधै पे्ररणा दिइरहन्छ । विश्व का धेरै दार्शनिक यति अचम्मित छन् कि, आज भन्दा लगभग ५ हजार वर्ष अगाडि को ज्ञान अहिले सम्म सान्दर्भिक कसरी हुन गयो भनेर । मँ मात्र होइन, संसार कै महान् बुद्धिजीवी पनि यस ज्ञान को सागर बाट अत्यन्त प्रभावित छन् । मेरा सन्दर्भ मा भन्दा मँ पूर्ण रुप ले डुबिनसकेको, अबुझ, बबुरो, बिचरो छु, तर पनि केही मात्रा मा आनन्द चाहिँ आउँदो पो रहेछ । भगवद्गीता हिन्दु धर्म ग्रन्थ मात्र होइन, किनकि यो ग्रन्थ त सम्पूर्ण मानवजाति को उत्थान का लागि निर्माण गरिएको एक अद्वितीय ग्रन्थ हो । हिन्दु शब्द को उत्पत्ति त सिन्धु भन्ने नदी बाट आएको भन्ने भाषा वैज्ञानिक मान्यता छ जसले मात्र ८ शय वा ९ शय वर्ष अगाडि को इतिहास बोकेको छ ।
    यहाँ भगवद्गीता को र कृष्ण चिन्तन को कुरा आउँदा पौराणिक मान्यता वा पुराण का आधार मा यदि व्याख्या गरिन्छ भने त्यो मात्र अधूरो रहन जान्छ । किन भने पुराण मा सत्य भन्दा साम्प्रदायिक र आलंकारिक कुरा बढी भएको भन्ने विद्वद्वर्ग को मान्यता छ । पुराण का तथ्य हरु मा एकरुपता नभएको कुरा पनि विज्ञजन हरु बाट आइरहेको र पुराण लाई जीविका को विषय बनाउने पुरेत र पण्डित बाजे हरु ले आ आफना अनुकूलका कुरा थपेर गुरुडम बढाएको पनि हामी पढ्न वा सुन्न पाउँछौं । तर पनि नेपाल मा त पुराण को लहर चलेको छ । यो हामी नेपाली ले मनन गर्न पर्ने कुरा पनि हो । भए पनि वाल्मीकि रामायण र महाभारत ग्रन्थ आज सम्म पनि तेति विकृति ले ग्रस्त छैनन् भन्ने मानिएको छ । अझ भगवद्गीता त एकदमै निष्कलंक ग्रन्थ मानिन्छ । जति पनि दार्शनिक छन् सबैले भगवद्गीता र माहाभारत लाई असली ऐतिहासिक ग्रन्थ मानेका छन् । भगवद्गीता को ज्ञानगंगा बाट पूर्वीय मात्र होइन पाश्चात्य दार्शनिक पनि आकृष्ट भएका कुरा हामी पढ्न पाउँछौं ।
    यस प्रसंग मा भगवद्गीता प्रति को सामाजिक आस्था बारे केही छलफल गर्नु सान्दर्भिक नै हुनेछ । कृष्णतत्व को र भगवद्गीता को चिन्तन विभिन्न दार्शनिक हरु ले गरेका छन् र गर्दै आएका पनि छन् । जसमा विवेकानन्द को निकै ठूलो योगदान छ । पाश्चात्य जगत्मा भगवद्गीता का बारे मा दर्शन फैलाउने हरु मा पनि उनी पनि अग्रगण्य मानिन्छन् । विवेकानन्द निकै पोख्त अध्येता र योगी थिए । वहाँको चिन्तन बाट मँजस्ता नवयुवा हरु पनि प्रभावित छन् । विवेकानन्द नवीनतम ऋषि हुन् । यसै गरी वहाँभन्दा अगाडि भक्तियोग को पराकाष्ठा नाघेका चैतन्य महाप्रभु लाई गीता का परमभक्त का रुपमा लिन सकिन्छ । बीसौं शताब्दी का दार्शनिक अरविन्द घोषु , बालगंगाधर तिलक, महात्मा गान्धी र योगी नरहरिनाथ आदि पनि गीता बुझ्ने महात्मा हरु हुन् । राधाकृणन् ले पनि भारतीय दर्शन का साथसाथै थुप्रै ग्रन्थ हरु लेखेका छन् । उनको पनि दार्शनिक चिन्तन को आधार भगवद्गीता नै देखिन्छ । अर्का महान् साहित्यकार तथा नोबेल पुरस्कार विजेता रवीन्द्रनाथ ठाकुर को पनि भगवद्गीता प्रति को झुकाव उनको ग्रन्थ बाट प्रष्ट रुप ले थाहा पाउन सकिन्छ । यी पूर्वीय चिन्तक लाई हामी ले राम्रो सँग अध्ययन गर्न पाएका छैनौं । समाज र संस्कृति लाई व्याख्या गर्ने क्रम मा भगवद्गीता को सहायता लिएका यी विद्वान हरु को विवेचना निकै नै उत्कृष्ट र अविस्मरणीय छ ।
    त्यसै गरी पाश्चात्य दार्शनिक पनि भगवद्गीता बाट निकै नै प्रभावित भएको हामी सुन्न र पढ्न पाउँछौं । म्याक्स मूलर ले त ठेली का ठेली वैदिक इतिहास को खोजी गरेका छन् । कति संस्कृत वाङ्मय को उल्था पनि गरेका छन् । सोपेनहावर पनि कृष्ण र भगवद्गीता का बारे मा विशिष्ट अध्ययन गरेका पाश्चात्य दार्शनिक हुन् । जुलियस क्ल्याप्रोथ को लेख बाट प्रभावित सोपेनहावर ले पूर्वीय दर्शन र भगवद्गीता का बारे मा आफ्नो किताब, द वल्र्ड याज वील एण्ड रेप्रीजेन्टेशनु मा सङ्ग्रहीत गरेका छन् । जर्मन दार्शनिक फ्रेड्रिक नित्से ले पनि मनु स्मृति का बारे मा लेखेका छन् जसमा उनले मनु स्मृति लाई अतुलनीय आध्यात्मिक र अद्वितीय ग्रन्थ भनेर मानेका छन् । मनु स्मृति का उक्ति हरु पनि भगवद्गीता का सूक्ति सँग मेल खान जान्छन् । अर्का जर्मन दार्शनिक हेगल लाई भगवद्गीता को ज्ञान ले यति धेरै छोएछ कि, भगवद्गीता को तीन वटा अध्याय का केही श्लोकहरु जर्मन भाषा मा उल्थै गरे । हेगल भन्छन्, कृष्ण उच्चकोटी को व्यक्तित्व, एक्सीलेण्ट अमंग अलू । त्यसैगरि अन्य थुप्रै पाश्चात्य साहित्यकार, वैज्ञानिक हरु ले भगवद्गीता र वैदिक इतिहास लाई अध्ययन गरेका छन् । जब मैले भगवद्गीता र ब्रह्माण्ड उत्पत्ति का बारे मा पढेँ, तब मलाई यो सम्पूर्ण ब्रह्माण्ड नै बेकाम को लाग्यो, यो भनाई महान् वैज्ञानिक अल्बर्ट आइन्सटाइन को हो । भारतीय चिन्तक विजयकुमार भन्छन्, यदि अल्बर्ट आइन्सटाइन ले भगवद्गीता पहिल्यै देखि पढेको भए, शायद उनी प्रथम दार्शनिक वैज्ञानिक हुने थिए र सापेक्षतावाद को सिद्धान्तलाई अझ बढी मनन गर्न पाउने थिए । अरु पनि दार्शनिक र चिन्तक को नाम लिँदा नोबेल पुरस्कार विजेता हर्मन हेस, हेनरी डेभिढ थोरो, अल्डस हक्सली आदि लाई पनि लिन सक्छौं, जसले भगवद्गीता र त्यसमा लुकेको वैज्ञानिकता लाई प्रष्ट्याउन खोजेका छन् ।
    यी पाश्चात्य दार्शनिक, साहित्यकार, वैज्ञानिक हरु को कुरा सुन्दा र उनी हरु को पूर्वीय दर्शन पट्टी को मोह देख्दा शायद हामी पूर्वीय वासिन्दा, खासगरी नेपाल का वासिन्दा नजिक को देवता हेला भन्ने उखान लाई त चरितार्थ गरिरहेका छैनौ, भन्ने जस्तो लाग्छ । मैले किटान गरेर नै नेपाली भन्नु को तात्पर्य के हो भने, हामी महाभारत इतिहास सँग जोडिएका अविस्मरणीय पात्र हौं, जसमा यस ज्ञान सागर को एक एक ज्ञान कता कता हाम्रो जीनु मा लुकेको छ । हामी भौगोलिक हिसाब का साथसाथै वैचारिक हिसाब ले पनि यस इतिहास सँग नजीक छौं ।
    मलाई त दुःख आश्चर्य यस विषय मा लाग्ने गर्छ कि, हामी केवल पौराणिक कथा र मेला जात्रा का रमझम मा मात्र अलमलिइरहेका छौं र कर्मकाण्डी दानदक्षिणा र भोजभतेर का रमझम लाई नै धर्म ठानेर अथवा गुरुडमवादी हरु का फट्याईंमा फँसिरहेका छौं । जसले गर्दा मूल सनातन तत्व बुझन पाइरहेका छैनौ । दिन रात कुनै देवमूर्ति अगाडि बसेर वा माला का माला मन्त्रहरु जपेर, अथवा ताल बिनाका भजन हरु गाएर हाम्रो उत्थान कदापी हुँदैन ।
    यथार्थ मा हामी जब सम्म कर्म गर्दैनौं तब सम्म यस्ता मायाजाल मा फसीरहन्छौं र अध्यात्मविकास त के देश विकासका बारेमा सोच्ने मौका नै पाउँदैनौं । जब सम्म असली ज्ञानगंगा को भावधारा मा प्रवेश गर्दैनौं तब सम्म हाम्रो उन्नति हुँदैन । जब सम्म हामीले आफ्नो संस्कृति को वैज्ञानिक विश्लेषण र संरक्षण गर्दैनौं तब सम्म हामी अवनति को बाटो अँगालीरहेका हुनेछौं । यो ध्रुव सत्य कुरा हो । ध्रुव पनि भगवान्का भक्त थिए, तर उनले वैज्ञानिक भक्तिमार्ग अँगाले, त्यसैले सफल भए । हामीले पनि असली बाटो अँगाल्नै पर्छ । भगवद्गीता को ज्ञान हामी त्यतिखेर मात्र बुझेका हुनेछौं । तर हामी लाग्नु पर्छ गीतारहस्यको अध्ययन तिर ।

    Alok Lamsal
    Founder And Chief Editor
    Learn More From Alok Lamsal

    Tuesday, June 25, 2013

    Religion is the foundation of humanity, and science is the building of the mankind. The relation between science and religion is too intimate, one is incomplete without the other. Many mysteries of the world have only been solved in relation to religion whereas different raw facts of religion have been provided evidences with the help of science. These two fields are like the two sides of a same coin, but there has always been  and this is bit hypothetical as no one in this earth has ever seen God. Science as derived from a Greek Word Scientia which means Knowledge. So basically science deals with all the unsolved mysteries and proves it using the theories developed. These two fields are totally different with each other but is it possible to link them? Yes, its totally possible to link these two different subjects. These two subjects are the matter of present day concern. Science deals with reasons and proof is its vital aspect, one which does not have any proof in it is not approved in science. Religions are the encyclopedia for a learner, there are different facts in religion which have not been scientifically proven but are happening now and then in our life. So, science is not able to fulfill our queries and all. The first question that arises when when we talk about religion is 'Is there the Presence of God? ' This question has been remained unanswered for years and is only hypothetical but there must be some character maybe god or any other supernatural deity who has created everything around us. For this a clearer example would be the reproduction process in humans and cow. Both of these reproduce sexually and the development process is same in both. We have studied from our childhood that no living being can live without Oxygen , then how can a baby in its mothers womb live without it? For the circulation of oxygen god has created umbilical cord which is of no importance after he/she is born. When a child is born he/she is dirty so it has to be cleaned , humans can clean it with hot water, How can a cow clean its baby? Cow has a certain chemical in its Tongue which can clean the child so a cow licks its baby after it is born just to clean it. So the chemicals which are found in water are also present in a Cow's tongue. So there must be someone to understand this phenomenon and create as per the requirements. The one who has engineered all this can be termed as God. So we can say god has Omnipotent presence.  Some scientists consider Science and Religion as two different independent forms of knowledge  like Stephen Jay Gould who stated the Non-overlapping magisterial (NOMA), Non-overlapping magisteria (NOMA) is the view advocated by Stephen Jay Gould that science and religion each have "a legitimate magisterium, or domain of teaching authority," and these two domains do not overlap.
    Science started its researches from atomic level and has now reached to the universe, but the studies of space within religion had reached to the universal level long back. Religion has also dealt with many of the science related phenomenon. These all can be known when we study The Vedh and The Bhagwat Gita, which are the ultimate source of knowledge for every learner. The religious persons and the priests have done great things which has helped a lot in the field of Science, those were the mantras they created and they chant. The monks who reside along the Manosarobar lake at Tibet are the one who predict the future and it has never been wrong, they even perform miracles which is harder to believe. For prediction of future they get to the base of the pond and bring a coin from the depth of the pond in a single breath  with their mouth. The pond is really deep and they analyze the person on the basis of the coin they get. This is all due to the mantras. They have a mantra which they chant from all their heart , first they chat from their mouth then with their heart for years. These chanting of mantras resides as momentum in the brain of the monks and these momentum helps in performing miracles and it is scientifically proven. So the mantras have a special power in themselves which we don't care at all. What you imagine is always what you hear and see no one can imagine anything without hearing or seeing. To prove it there is a simple request 'Please imagine a colour that you have never seen in your life'. Only the person with extreme knowledge can perform them. We have seen the Vayu Yaan in Mahabharat which was used by Raavan to kidnap Sita. This myth was created long ago even before the birth of Leo Nardo Da Vinci which may have been the basis for the development of Helicopter and the Aero plane. Leo Nardo Da Vinci was the resident of Italy and it was near to Germany. Germany has been one of the centres for the development of Hindu religion. So he may have read The Ramayana and thus got the concept and image of Helicopter which he designed from it. So religion has provided a lot of raw facts for the development of science. Another clearer example would be that of Hanuman who was a hybrid of monkey and man in The Ramayana , he may have been the Cro Magnon man which was in the verse of extinction and further development  at that time. We all know about Lord Ganesh who had the head of an elephant, he may have been a mutant who was born from Parbati and Shiva. In different myths we learn that gods went to different planets and stayed there and even now scientists are trying to do the same things and are hoping for life in another planet. The concept of planets were written in the myths before Galelio developed telescopes which were used for discovering the planets. Jyotish who describe the future of an individual mostly determine their future on the basis of the position of stars , planets and the moon. Ramayana says that Kumbhakarna was a massive eater and a long sleeper, but it does not relate or explain them. However, today's science has clearly justified that massive eating causes Hyperglycaemia and reduced blood supply to the brain leading to drowsiness and finally to sleep.
    These all evidences clearly prove the contribution of Religion in the field of science.
    Thus religion has its own importance and science too has an own importance. Any one of the two fields cannot be neglected by anyone, these two fields provide and guide us the way to live our life. Science is materialistic whereas religion is spiritualistic so we must be able to choose the pathway in between both of them, i.e. we must believe in both of these aspects with all our heart then only we can understand them in truer sense. We all are human being, we all have the same soul, we all have the same red blood, so we all are bounded together by a single force, all the religions are the same, the main concern is about understanding the language of the world and getting into the soul of the world. No matter which religion you follow, which race you belong to, which occupation you do, you are always a human being. Let not religion divide you, let not science divide you because we all are linked with a single heart and let all our relationship prevail.
    a debate in between the contemporary scientists, the priests and the Modern Scientists. The feeling of superiority has deteriorated some good aspects of these topics. Religion is a group of people who believe or follow a particular idea or belief that there is presence of God or any supernatural deity. The followers of a religion particularly have belief on God.
    Swastik Pandey
    Founder and Moderator
    One In Zero

    Monday, June 24, 2013

    Congratulations everyone!!! You’ve just completed 12 years of your school level education, and now you are almost eligible to be called a college student. It is actually a matter of great pride and rejoices that you struggled through all those difficult (and sometimes boring) subjects, formulae, reactions, events and many more of such things. So it’s you who deserves full credits for everything that you have achieved, and also for everything you are going to. Besides, the fact that these pages are right now in your hands implies that you are getting ready for other challenges that life is putting on you.
    Though you are competent all by yourself in everything you want to be, you know that it’s never easy. Your first terminal examination in your +2 science studies must have been a pitiful experience for you; because whatever you studied till SLC seemed so simple as that stage, when you had to learn every chapter of science in such a depth. Now if you look back at it, your +2 looks a lot simpler, doesn’t it? Because now is the time when you are supposed to complete the entire +2 syllabus of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in less than half a year. Moreover, this is the time when people think you are mature enough, and they start questioning you about your future and your career; and to make it the worst, some people start suggesting you some professions to choose that you never wanted to be in, that leaves you even more perplexed.
    NO WORRIES THOUGH, stay calm. Think all by yourself. YOU ARE YOUR OWN MASTER. Every of your senior has once been in the same phase where you are now; and some day, your juniors will also be. So don’t panic. It’s normal. And, if you are opting for medical/engineering entrance test BY YOUR OWN INTEREST, then well done guys, you are in safe hands and on the right path; just a few months of hard work and you will achieve the success that you desire. However, this hard work should come not just for studies, but also for many other challenges. No one can come over to you to assist you solve all your problems; YOU have to do them all. If there is anything that others can do to help you, it’s suggesting you about what might be the next. On the basis of my own personal experiences, I just made a simple effort to let you know about the challenges you might face in your preparation days.
    When you turn these pages and begin your attack on the MCQ’s, then the first challenge that you will encounter with is “I don’t know”. It is the simplest and the easiest way to say that you haven’t studied well. In such situations, many students blame their luck for not favoring them. But before doing that, there are certain things that you have to do, and the most important of them is “STUDY”. You have to complete the entire syllabus at least once before you appear for any competitive examination. Whatever you study from; class notes, bulky books, slender books, or the notes that you are given at any institution, you have to know the basic information from the topic that you are facing. You should not be denying the fact that you can cross a river, without knowing that a bridge somewhere around is waiting for you.
    The another challenge that is set to come on your path for sure is the closest companion of every student, and that is A Mistake. It is something that you cannot simply avoid and it’s the very thing that is sure to minimize your confidence level by a hundred folds or more. But I suggest mistakes are never bad. They happen for something positive to teach you something that you don’t know. In entrance arena, one question you make a mistake gives you four new questions to learn, given that you study the solutions seriously. So mistakes are good; and they should actually be boosting your morale up, not the other way round.
    Many students start banging their head on the table every moment they make a mistake. If you do this, you are sure to lose your self-confidence within 3 months. Let’s take a case, assuming that the entrance examinations in Medical sector in Nepal were started in the 90s, it’s been 23 years till today. Yearly, on an average about 10000 students take the entrance test at IOM alone. If the number is assumed to be the same for all  entrance examinations(IOM,MOE,KU,BPKIHS) and others, then ,till today almost 1150000 attempts have been made in medical entrance field only; but still no entrance examination has been cracked by any student by securing 100% marks. The highest percentage secured in IOM entrance is just 97%, and in BPKIHS, it is even lower. Do you know why this has happened? The answer is simple. EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES. No one secures perfect marks. So never think that you should be getting all questions correct. One mistake in two questions is normal while you are on the starting phase. Your job should be to MINIMIZE YOUR MISTAKES rather than compare them with that of others. A topper does not make many questions correct, he/she just makes the least number of mistakes. So next time you practise MCQ’s, never expect yourself to make all the questions correct. If you do so, you are just being so much unfair towards your own learnings. Remember, even if you have read a chapter, you don’t know everything about that chapter. So, mistakes are those tools that actually urge you to turn the pages of the same chapter again and study the points that you missed the last time.
    Then, there are the greatest helpers and the strongest competitors of yours, your Friends. They inspire and assist you in many occasions, but also fill you with frustration sometimes. A simple example is; Any day, you happen to meet your friend and start talking about your studies. Then, he starts talking about certain topics that you have not studied yet. Sometimes, the topics he talks about are something that you haven’t even heard of. This will only fill you with fear. At that time, you don’t need to be restless, just stay calm; because there are many other similar topics that you have studied while your friend has not. If you start talking about them, your friend is surely going to be as shocked as you are. But I don’t suggest you to speak, just thank your friend silently for reminding you; and be determined within yourself that the next time you sit on your study table, you are going to study the topics that he just spoke of, and that is sure to keep you a few steps ahead of your friend, who happens to be your real rival.
    Besides these things, what bothers the students most in this phase also includes the books. There are many books in the market related to every subject. Each has its own specialty, and unfortunately its own defects as well. You can take help from your friends and your seniors who have already studied those books to know about those books and choose the one that you think is suitable for you. Every book in the market surely has certain chapters that are off the syllabus. Don’t waste your time on those topics. You can study them after you have completed the topics that are within the coverage of the syllabus. Never go for them in the first take.
    And, there are certain situations where no one can help you. So, as I said, YOU ARE YOUR OWN MASTER. As an example, many students do this mistake. In an entrance test, for a question, they mark the answer as ‘C’, but seconds later they realize that the correct answer is ‘B’. This is surely disappointing, moreover if it is in real examination. But before this truth makes you weaker, accept the fact that you just made a mistake, and remember that YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE PAST. So don’t lose your motive, for a single wrong mark can neither judge your immense knowledge, nor it can decide your future. Don’t remain stuck to that question; because your staring at that option is not going to rectify it. Retain your knowledge and your confidence; and move on. Try to solve other questions correctly; but you should keep in mind that you cannot afford to repeat the same mistake.
    So it’s solely you. You’re the one who is supposed to fight in this battle. In the battle of swords, one wrong move and you’re gone. In the battle of music, one wrong note and it’s over. But this is the battle that allows you to try many times. Of course, one wrong move here is also of great value; and trying many times is socially questioned, but IT CANNOT SNATCH YOU FROM YOURSELF. So have a nice preparation, be wise enough to know everything that has to be known. Every one of you is a strong human; and you deserve every other success that you desire, given that you work hard to get it. And finally, if your hopes and expectations from your life after reading these lines is different from what they had been previously, then congratulations; you are now full of positive energy and your destination is now a hundred milestones closer to you. In case they have not changed, then even more congratulations to you, because you were already full of motivation and you are merely a few steps away from your destination. So good luck everyone. Happy reading. God bless you!
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                    Siddhartha Bhandari
        IOM 3rd rank
                    IOE 10th rank